2011-06-30 | Con­cepts for a Com­munity-Based Know­ledge Man­age­ment in the Face of En­ter­prise 2.0

Due to the successful evolution of the classical Internet of the 1990s into a Web 2.0 characterized by interactive applications, online communities and social networks, several innovative companies have started integrating Social Software and community-based concepts into their intranets.

However, according to recent studies a state where firms tap into the full potential of community-based social software in a corporate context cannot be regarded as the standard case. Instead, when it comes to using social software for business purposes several companies are still in a phase of orientation or initial adoption, respectively.

The following C-LAB Report therefore presents several interrelated concepts for a successful management of Enterprise 2.0 community platforms. Research on these concepts has been supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Technologie) as part of the THESEUS research programme (grant number 01MQ07014).

Authors:Sven Ahlheid, Melanie Jekal, Alexander Krebs, Siemenes IT Solutions and Services GmbH
Release:Vol. 10 (2011) No. 03

Link to Report