ARA­MiS (Auto­mot­ive, Rail­way and Avion­ics Mul­ticore Sys­tems)

ARAMiS aims at the development of concepts for multi-core processors in automotive, railway and avionics to reach a gain in safety, comfort and efficiency.

Through this technology initiative, concepts will be developed how multicore processors can be applied in different transportation domains to increase safety, efficiency and comfort by new functions. In current aircrafts or cars only single-core processors are used since only their functionality can be certified according to domain specific safety-standards. But these singe-core architectures cannot reach the performance needed for future applications and are getting obsolete. To develop efficient multi-core architectures more than 30 research institutions and manufacturers from the automotive, railway, and avionics domain, their suppliers as well as hardware and software producers are working together in the ARAMiS project.

Project funded by: BMBF 
Project duration: 112/2011 - 12/2014

Associated Partners:

 KIT (project leader), Audi, BMW, Daimler, CASSIDIAN, AIRBUS, EADS, Bosch, Continental, Diehl, Liebherr, Infineon, Freescale, Intel, Sysgo, AbSint, Windriver, Opensnergy, SymtaVision, fortiss, Offis, FhG, TU Kaiserslautern, TU München, TU Braunschweig, Universität  Kiel, Universität Stuttgart, Universität Paderborn


Dr. Wolfgang Müller, C-LAB

Project website: