2011-04-13 | OSGi Wire­Ad­min­Ser­vice in prac­tice

The OSGi platform is a software system that enables the creation of dynamic modules (bundles) and services via a component model, including its version control. These bundles are usually built as services: The details of the implementation are hidden from other bundles, only the service interface is published and placed in the ServiceRegistry.
These services can be read by other bundles and bound in correlation with the runtime ("publish-find-bind"). The functions are divided into fine-grained components via bundles. Because of this, applications can be started, stopped, installed and deinstalled according to the system without running the ServiceContainer in a different operating state. The platform is based on the programming language Java and is therefore independent from the operating system. The service platform is available at certain OpenSource and commercial providers.

Authors:Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Johannes Plaßmann, Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH
Release:Vol. 10 (2011) No. 01

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