PUSSEE - Paradigm Uni­fy­ing Sys­tem Spe­cific­a­tion En­vir­on­ments for Proven Elec­tron­ic Design

The PUSSEE (Paradigm Unifying System Specification Environments for Proven Electronic Design) project focuses on the investigation of formal methods and tools for the refinement of virtual systems components in the area of electronic systems design. The specific goal of the project is to combine means of UML with B for systems design and C, VHDL and SystemC for code generation. Applications cover embedded systems design for automotives and mobile phones. 

Project funded by: DFG
Project duration: 01/2002 - 12/2004
Project partners: Volvo (D), Nokia (D), Intracom, Steria, University of Southampton (GB), KeesDA (F)
Contact: Dr. Wolfgang Müller, C-LAB