Maria Brielmann, Uwe Honekamp, Stroop, Peter Wältermann: Simulation of Hybrid Mechatronic Systems: a Case Study. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS '97), Monterey, CA (USA) (1997)
Peter Altenbernd: CHaRy: The C-LAB Hard Real-Time System to Support Mechatronical Design. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS (1997)
Andreas Dangberg: SodaPop - Ein interaktives Werkzeug zur Konstruktion von portablen graphischen Benutzungsschnittstellen mit Unterstützung variabler Layout-Algorithmen. Proceedings Prototypen für Benutzungsschnittstellen(PB '97), Seiten 85-88, Paderborn (Deutschland) (1997)
Marita Dücker, Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Tahedl: A Generic System for Interactive Real-Time Animation. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS '97), Monterey, CA (USA) (1997)
Marita Dücker, Christian Geiger, Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Tahedl: A Visual Programming Language for Qualitative Data. Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages '97 (VL '97), Capri (Italy) (1997)
Marita Dücker, Christian Geiger, Ralf Hunstock, Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller: Visual-Textual Prototyping of 4 D Scenes. Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages '97 (VL '97), Capri (Italy) (1997)
Ivor Faux, Pieter Kesteloot, Gerd Langlotz, Zsolt Pocsai, Elke Radeke, Franz-Josef Stewing: Exploitation of Product Data Technology by the Global Engineering Networking Initiative. Proceedings Conference on Product Data Technology Days (PDTAG ´97), Nice (France) (1997)
Garbe, Sabath, Ramme, Werner John: Integration des Leiterplattenentwurfs in die EMV-gerechte Systementwicklung. Kleinheubacher Berichte 1997, Band 41, Vorträge und Berichte der gemeinsamen Tagung des U.R.S.I.-Landesausschusses in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der ITG-Fachausschüsse, Kleinheubach/Main (1997)
Elmar Griese, Andreas Himmler: Optical Interconnections on High Speed Digital Printed Circuit Boards. Proceedings PIERS Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, page 697, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) (1997)
Elmar Griese: Schnelle Zeit- und Frequenzbereichsmethoden zur Leitungssimulation. Kleinheubacher Berichte 1997, Band 41, Vorträge und Berichte der gemeinsamen Tagung des U.R.S.I.-Landesausschusses in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der ITG-Fachausschüsse, Kleinheubach/Main (1997)
Elmar Griese, Holger Büscher, Labuhn, Holger Raeder: Differentielle Signalübertragung auf Leiterplatten – Modellierung, Simulation und Analyse. Proceedings ITG/VDE Diskussionssitzung EMV (1997)
Gutkauf, Thies, Andreas Sasse: User Adaptive Presentation of Information. Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Global Engineering Networking, pages 115-127 Antwerp (Belgium) (1997)
Gutkauf: Accounting for Individual Differences through GAMES: Guided Adaptive Multimedia Editing System. Proceedings ACM CHI Int. Conference on Human Factors in Computing, Atlanta, Georgia (USA) (1997)
Gutkauf, Thies, Gitta Domik: A User Adaptive Chart Editing System based on User Modeling and Critiquing. Int. Conference on User Modeling (UM '97), Chia Laguna, Sardinia (Italy) (1997)
Hardt: HW/SW-Interface mit Pipeline-Struktur auf VHDL-Basis. Proceedings 3. ITG/GI/GMM Workshop Hardwarebeschreibungssprachen und Modellierungsparadigmen, Holzau (Germany) (1997)
Hardt, Rosenstiehl: Prototyping of Tightly Coupled Hardware/Software-Systems. Proceedings Design Automation For Embedded Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3/4, pages 283-318 (1997)
Hardt, Bernd Kleinjohann: Eine Asynchrone Datenflussarchitektur für Eingebettete Systeme. Proceedings 4. ITG/GI-Fachtagung Architektur von Rechensystemen, WS Zielarchitekturen Eingebettete Systeme, Rostock (Germany) (1997)
Heitbreder, Bernd Kleinjohann, Lisa Kleinjohann: Intelligent Design Assistance with SEA. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS '97), Monterey, CA (USA) (1997)
Uwe Keller: Estimation of an Electromagnetic Emission Ability. Proceedings and supplement of 12th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Zurich '97), pages 257-268, Zurich (Switzerland) (1997)
Jürgen Kirchhof, Heinz-Theo Mammen, Werner John: Elektromagnetische Beeinflussung des Signalverhaltens von elektronischen Mikrosystemkomponenten. 2. Statusseminar zum Verbundprojekt MIMOSYS, Paderborn, ISSN 0947 - 1413 (1997)
Bernd Kleinjohann, Jürgen Tacken, Christoph Tahedl: A Design Environment Using High-Level Petri-Nets as Common Model for Specification, Analysis, and Validation of Hybrid Real-Time Systems. Proceedings 3. ITG/GI/GMM Workshop Hardwarebeschreibungssprachen und Modellierungsparadigmen, Holzau (Germany) (1997)
Bernd Kleinjohann, Jürgen Tacken, Christoph Tahedl: Towards a Complete Design Method for Embedded Systems Using Predicate/Transition-Nets. Proceedings 13th IFIP WG 10.5 Conference on Computer Hardware Description Languages and Their Applictations (CHDL '97), Toledo (Spain) (1997)
Jörg Korzonnek, Klaus-Peter Wegge, Klaus Gröning: Recognition of Complex Events in Large Application Environments. Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Global Engineering Networking, pages 129-140, Antwerp (Belgium) (1997)
Peter Kralicek, Sabath: Considering EMI based on Multiconductor Transmission Line. Proceedings Cost 243 Workshop '97, pages 9-12, Paderborn (Germany) (1997)
Paulo Martella, Uwe Keller: Influence of the Finite Conductivity on the Electromagnetic Behavioury. Proceedings Cost 243 Workshop '97, Paderborn (Germany) (1997)
Rolf Naumann, Rainer Rasche, Jürgen Tacken, Christoph Tahedl: Validation and Simulation of Decentralized Intersection Collision Avoidance Algorithm. Proceedings IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC '97), Boston, Massachusetts (USA) (1997)
Elke Radeke: GENIAL - Turning Engineering Knowledge into an Accessible Corporate Asset. Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Global Engineering Networking, Antwerp (Belgium) (1997)
Elke Radeke, Rainer Kruschinski, Dietmar Nolte: OpenDM/Web - WWW Access to Heterogenous Database System. Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Global Engineering Networking, pages 141-155, Antwerp (Belgium) (1997)
Elke Radeke, David Leonard, Pieter Kesteloot, Juha Ritvas: Intelligent Access to Engineering Information by GENIAL. Proceedings Conference on Integration in Manufacturing(IiM '97), Dresden (Germany) (1997)
Ramme, Elmar Griese, Heiko Holzheuer, Sabath: Fast Time Domain Simulation of Reflection- and Crosstalk Noise on Lossy Interconnects. Proceedings (Supplement) of 12th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pages 195-204, Zurich (Switzerland) (1997)
Ramme, Elmar Griese: Fast Transient Analysis of Signal Integrity on Lossy Transmission Lines Based on Recursive Convolution. Proceedings PIERS Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, page 691, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) (1997)
Ramme, Elmar Griese, Michael Kurten: Fast Simulation Method for a Transient Analysis of Lossy Coupled Transmission Lines Using a Semi-Analytical Recursive Convolution Procedure. Proceedings 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pages 277-282, Austin, Texas (USA) (1997)
Rethmeier, Wolfgang Thronicke: Workflow zur Komponentenmodellierung für EMI-Simulatoren. 6. Workshop Methoden und Werkzeuge zum Entwurf von Mikrosystemen; Paderborn, ISSN - 0947-1413 (1997)
Sabath, Garbe: Prediction of Errors due to Ignoring Field Coupling on Printed Circuit Boards. Proceedings and supplement of 12th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Zurich '97), pages 639-644, Zurich (Switzerland) (1997)
Sabath, Garbe: A Hybrid Method Based on the Multiconductor Transmission Line Equation and the Method of Moments. Proceedings and supplement of 12th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Zurich '97), pages 241-247, Zurich (Switzerland) (1997)
Sabath: A Hybrid Method Based on the Multiconductor Transmission Line Equation and the Method of Moments. Proceedings Symposium on Electromagnetic Interaction with Complex Systems and Protection Measures (EMC), Magdeburg (Germany) (1997)
Sabath, Garbe: Prediction of Computation Errors due to Ignoring Coupling between Signal Traces. Proceedings 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pages 473-486, Austin, Texas (USA) (1997)
Sabath, Andrea Seggelke, Garbe: Ansätze zur Messung von Objekten mit Richtcharakteristik in GTEM-Zellen. Proceedings ITG/VDE Diskussionssitzung EMV, Seite 19 (1997)
Sabath, Garbe: Entwicklung eines hybriden Feldsimulationstools zur Strahlungsanalyse von Leiterplatten. Kleinheubacher Berichte 1997, Band 41, Vorträge und Berichte der gemeinsamen Tagung des U.R.S.I.-Landesausschusses in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der ITG-Fachausschüsse, Kleinheubach/Main (1997)
Sabath, Garbe: Abschätzung des Berechnungsfehlers in Bezug auf die Vernachlässigung von Kopplungen auf Leiterplatten. Proceedings EMV - Symposium 1997, Mannheim (Deutschland) (1997)
Jürgen Schrage: Modelling and Detection of Dynamic Errors due to Reflection and Crosstalk Noise. Proceedings Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 1997 (ASP-DAC'97), Tokyo (Japan) (1997)
Barbara Stahl, Jürgen Ziegler, Heinz Wiechen, Andreas Schroeer: A Quantitative Model for Relaxation of Rotationally Invariant Collisionless Self-Gravitating Systems. Physica Scripta (1997)
Thies, Gutkauf, Gitta Domik: Ein benutzeradaptiver intelligenter Diagramm-Assistent (IDIAS). Proceedings 21. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, Freiburg (Deutschland) (1997)
Thies, Gutkauf, Gitta Domik: Demo eines Intelligenten Diagramm Assistenten (IDIAS). Proceedings 5. GI Workshop Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen, Saarbruecken (Deutschland) (1997)
Wolfgang Thronicke: Erweiterbare workflowbasierte Umgebung zur Modellierung von Mikrosystemkomponenten. ISSN -0947-1413 (1997)
Michael Vogt: Electrical characterization of anisotropic transmission line systems with a hybrid FEM/BEM method. Proceedings and supplement of 12th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Zurich '97), pages 275-286, Zurich (Switzerland) (1997)
Heinz Wiechen, Jürgen Ziegler: Magnetic Reconnection: On New Aspects of the Microscopic Cause of Localized Dissipation. Physica Scripta (1997)
Detlef Zimmer, Axel Meckenstock, Rainer Unland: A General Model for Event Specification in Active Database Management Systems. Proceedings 5th International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD '97), Montreux (Switzerland) (1997)
Friedhelm Stappert: Predicting Pipelining and Caching Behaviour of Hard Real-Time Programs. In EUROMICRO Workshop on Real-Time Systems (EWRTS), Toledo, Spain (1997)
Lars Werner: Debugging - Umgebung für den integrierten Hardware/Software - Entwurf. Diplomarbeit, Universität Paderborn (1997)
Dirk Alboth: Unbounded translation invariant operators and the derivation property. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 56,1 - 15 (1997)
Dirk Alboth, Lerner, Shalev: Profit Maximizing in Auctions of Public Goods. Center for Operations Research & Econometrics. (CORE) Discussion Paper No. 9777 (1997)
Carsten Rust, Stroop, Jürgen Tacken: The Design of Hybrid Systems using the SEA Environment. C-LAB Report 20 (1997)
Ditze, Bernd Kleinjohann, Elke Radeke, Franz-Josef Rammig, Franz-Josef Stewing, Stroop, Jürgen Tacken: WEB-Supported Engineering of Computer Based Systems. C-LAB Report 18 (1997)
Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Gabriele Taentzer, Hartmut Ehrig: A Combined Reference Model- and View-Based Approach to System Specification. In Int. Journal of Software and Knowledge Engeneering, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 457-477. (1997)
Hans-Jürgen Schneider, Gregor Engels: Guest Editors' Introduction. In International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 397-400. World Publishing (1997)
Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Gabriele Taentzer, Hartmut Ehrig: A View-Oriented Approach to System Modelling Using Graph Transformations. In M. Jazayeri, H. Schauer (eds.): Proceedings European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC 1997), Zürich (Switzerland). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), pp. 327-343 (1997)
Themenheft: Softwaretechnik. In G. Engels (eds.): . Springer (1997)
Gregor Engels, Jan Rekers, Marc Andries: How to represent a visual specification. In K. Marriott, B. Meyer (eds.): Visual Language Theory, pp. 241-255. Springer (1997)