Peter Altenbernd: Deadline-Monotonic Software Scheduling for the Co-Synthesis of Parallel Hard Real-Time Systems. Proceedings of the European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC), Paris (1995) 

Peter Altenbernd, Ditze: Allocation of Periodic Hard Real-Time Tasks. 20th IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Real Time Programming (WRTP), Fort Lauderdale (1995) 

Börger, Glaesser, Wolfgang Müller: A Formal Definition of an Abstract VHDL'93 Simulator by EA-Machines. Semantics of VHDL, C. Delgado Kloos and Peter T. Breuer (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 107-140 (1995) 

Böttger, Kachel: Implementierungsaspekte der Database Federation Services. GI-Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany (1995) 

Maria Brielmann, Bettina Planken, Schmidt, Franz-Josef Stewing: Information and Process Modelling Approaches for the Engineering of Heterogeneous Systems. Proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems, Tucson, IEEE Press, 1995, pp. 218-225 (1995) 

Maria Brielmann: Modelling Differential Equations by Basic Information Technology Means. Proceedings of the Euro-CAST'95, Innsbruck, Springer Verlag, pp. 163-174 (1995) 

Frank Buijs, Käfer: STEP Techology for ECAD Databases. F. J. Rammig, F. R. Wagner (eds.): Electronic Design Automation Frameworks Volume4, ISBN 0 412 71010 2, Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 221-230 (1995) 

Burkert, Siegfried Bublitz, Dietmar Nolte: Beispiele für die Anwendung und den Einsatz von DBF. GI-Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany (1995) 

Drescher, Holena, Rainer Kruschinski, Laufkötter: Support of building different intelligent applications with JCF intelligent framework services (IFS). L. Faria, editor, International Workshop Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering Frameworks and Applications, pages 41-47 (1995) 

Drescher, Holena, Rainer Kruschinski, Laufkötter: Uncertainty processing in a knowledge-support system for CAD/CAE frameworks. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques AIT'95 (1995) 

Elmar Griese: Diffraction Analysis of Dielectric Periodic Gratings Using Conventional Transmission Line Theory. Proceedings of PIERS Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 1995, Seattle, USA, p. 704 (1995) 

Elmar Griese: Equivalent Network Representation of Planar Gratings with Periodic Distribution of Dielectric Constant. Proceedings of the 10th COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Berlin (Germany), pp. 277-282 (1995) 

Elmar Griese: Anwendung der Leitungstheorie zur Behandlung der vektoriellen Beugung elektromagnetischer Wellen an dielektrischen Gittern. Tagungsband zur Kleinheubacher Tagung 1994, Kleinheubach/Main (Germany), Kleinheubacher Berichte Band 37, pp. 255-262 (1995) 

Holena: Exploratory data processing using a fuzzy generalization of the GUHA approach. Applied Decision Technologies. Stream 3: Fuzzy Logic, pages 139-144 (1995) 

Werner John: Electronic Design under EMC Constraints. Proceedings of 11th International Zurich Symposium & Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich (Switzerland), pp. 541-548 (1995) 

Werner John, Brüning, Heinz-Theo Mammen, Wolfgang Thronicke: Generierung, Parametrisierung und Validierung von Makromodellen für analoge Funktionselemente. GME-Fachtagung "Mikroelektronik", Baden-Baden (Germany), pp. 277-282 (1995) 

Kachel: Unterstützung der 5-Ebenen-Schemaarchitektur durch Kontexte. GI-Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany (1995) 

Kaufmann, Kern, Leventis, Rui Zhao: Chained Controllers in Object-Oriented User Interface Software. Proceedings (poster session) of 6th Human-Computer Interaction International, Tokyo, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1995) 

Silvia Kolmschlag, Böttger, Burkert, Engel, Kachel, Dietmar Nolte, Elke Radeke: Überblick zum Projekt DBF - Database Federation Services. GI-Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany (1995) 

Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Tahedl: Transforming SDL Diagrams Into a Complete Visual Representation. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages '95, Darmstadt, Germany (1995) 

Ley, Joachim Müller: Schnelle Analyse von Reflexionen in digitalen Schaltungen durch Netztransformation. Tagungsband zum 1. Paderborner EMC-Forum, Paderborn, Germany (1995) 

Heinz-Theo Mammen, Roland Scholz, Brüning, Geneiß, Kemper: Wissensbasierte Entwicklung von Makromodellen für den analogen Schaltungsentwurf. 7th E.I.S.-Workshop, Chemnitz (Germany), pp. 31-40 (1995) 

Axel Meckenstock: Recoverykonzepte in einem konfigurierbaren Transaktionsmodell für Entwurfsumgebungen. Datenbank-Rundbrief GI-Fachgruppe 2.5.1, 6. GI-Workshop Transaktionskonzepte 1995, Bad Honnef (1995) 

Wolfgang Müller, Felser, Frank Buijs: Guide to EXPRESS-P. Fourth Annual EXPRESS User's Group - EUG '94 - Conference Notes, U. S. Product Data Association (1995) 

Wolfgang Müller, Lehrenfeld, Christoph Tahedl: Complete Visual Specification and Animations of Protocols. Proceedings of the CHDL'95, August 30 - September 1, Tokyo, Japan (1995) 

Stefan Öing, Künne, Uwe Keller, Sabath, Markus Bücker: Controlling EMI with an Extended EMC-Workbench. Proceedings of the 11th International Zurich Symposium & Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatiblity, Zurich (Switzerland), pp. 573-578 (1995) 

Elke Radeke, Böttger, Burkert, Engel, Kachel, Silvia Kolmschlag, Dietmar Nolte: Efendi: Federated Database System of Cadlab. Proc. Int'l Conference Management of Data (SIGMOD), San Jose, USA (1995) 

Elke Radeke, Scholl: Functionality for object migration among distributed, heterogeneous, autonomous database systems. Proc. Int'l WS Research Issues on Data Engineering - Distributed Object Management (RIDE-DOM), Taipei (Taiwan) (1995) 

Franz-Josef Rammig, Wagner: Electronic Design Automation Frameworks. Vol. 4, Chapman & Hall (1995) 

Franz-Josef Rammig: Models and Tools for Integrated System Design. Proc. of the 10th Congress of the Brasilian Microelectronics Society and 1st Ibero American Micro-electronics Conference, pp. 191-210 (1995) 

Rissiek, Heiko Holzheuer, Rethmeier: Multiprocessor Solution for a Signal Integrity Analysis on Printed Circuit Boards. SAMS - System Analysis, Modelling, Simulation, Vol. 21, pp. 203-214 (1995) 

Sabath, Markus Bücker, Stefan Öing: Distribution of the Transmission Line Current Due to the Influence of Infinite and Finite Ground Plane. Proceedings of the Cost 243 Workshop, Hamburg, pp. 23-28 (1995) 

Sabath, Markus Bücker, Stefan Öing: Influence of Finite Ground Planes on the Transmission Line Current Distribution. Proceedings of the 10th COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Berlin (Germany), pp. 168-169 (1995) 

Schmidt, Theune, Thiele, Lengauer: EMC-driven midway routing on PCBs. Proceedings of the European Design and Test Conference, Paris (France), IEEE Press, 1995, pp. 486-491 (1995) 

Jürgen Schrage: Signal Integrity Test-Prozess zur Unterstützung des Entwurfs signalverarbeitender Mikrosystemkomponenten. Tagungsband zum 2. Workshop "Methoden- und Werkzeugentwicklung für den Mikrosystementwurf", Karlsruhe (Germany), pp. 85-93 (1995) 

Jürgen Schrage: Entwurfsunterstützung digitaler Komponenten durch einen Signal-Integrity-Testprozeß. Tagungsband zum 1. Paderborner EMC-Forum, Paderborn (Germany) (1995) 

Stark, Laufkötter: Image Indexing and content based access to databases of medical images with wavelets. Proceedings of the SPIE Meeting `95, Vol. 2569 "Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing III", San Diego (1995) 

Wolfgang Thronicke, Roland Scholz, Jan Lessner, Bettina Planken, Werner John: Workflow-orientierte Umgebung für den Systementwurf. Tagungsband zum 2. Workshop "Methoden- und Werkzeugentwicklung für den Mikrosystementwurf", Karlsruhe (Germany), pp. 143-150 (1995) 

Wagenblaßt, Wolfgang Thronicke: An Approach for Classification of Integrated Circuits by a Knowledge Conserving Library Concept. Proceedings of European Design Automation Conference with EURO-VHDL '95, Brighton (UK), pp. 40-45 (1995) 

Rui Zhao, Kaufmann, Kern, Wolfgang Müller: Pen-based Interfaces for Engineering Environments. 6th Human-Computer Interaction International, Tokyo, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1995) 

Rui Zhao, Wolfgang Müller, Kaufmann, Kern, Frank Buijs: An Editor for the Rapid Prototyping of EXPRESS_G Models. Proceedings of the 5th EXPRESS User's Group, Grenoble (1995) 

Detlef Zimmer: Regelterminierungsanalysen auf Basis des Regelmetamodells Vampire. Datenbank-Rundbrief GI-Fachgruppe 2.5.1, 6. GI-Workshop Transaktions-konzepte 1995, Bad Honnef (1995) 

Friedhelm Stappert: Ein Werkzeug zur verteilten Spezifikation, Analyse und Wartung von Netzplänen. Master's thesis, Universität Paderborn (1995) 

Rainer Milczewski, Achim Rettberg: BF_to_EDIF - Ein Übersetzer von Boolschen Funktionen nach einer EDIF-Netzliste auf Transistorebene. Internal Cadlab Report 1/1995, Cadlab (now C-LAB), Fürstenallee 11, 33102 Paderborn (1995) 

Dirk Alboth: Unbounded translation invariant operators on locally compact Abelian groups. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 193, 431 - 446 (1995) 

Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Specialization of Object Life Cycle Definitions. Fachbericht Informatik, no. 19/95. University of Koblenz-Landau (1995) 

Gregor Engels, Andy Schürr: Encapsulated Hierarchical Graphs, Graph Types, and Meta Types. Technical report, no. 95-21. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1995) 

Luuk Groenewegen, Gregor Engels: Coordination by Behavioural Views and Communication Patterns. In W. Schäfer (eds.): Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Software Process Technology (EWSPT 1995), Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, pp. 189-192 (1995)